Recently, I had the pleasure of donating babywearing photo sessions to our San Diego Babywearing group in order to fund the growth of our lending library! In case you didn’t know, I am a photographer- and now a recent baby-prenuer;) This is so awesome for new moms and moms new to babywearing because a big library means that they can try so much before deciding to purchase. I can’t tell you how much money I have spent on the WRONG carriers! And, how many trips to the store my sweet dear husband has made for me to return things that didn’t for, or that just didn’t feel safe. The photo fundraiser was a huge success! Mamas were allowed to purchase a slot for only $25 and they received a disk of professional photos…. not a bad deal! Now our library is pretty amazing too.
I shot sessions on Saturday and Sunday along with the very talented Amber Robertson and we spent the weekend getting awesome babywearing and family photos. Hopefully Amber can come on over to this thread to post some of her favorites too, in the meantime, here are the ones I loved! Just wanted to share what is going on in our local baby wearing group!
**I would also like to give a special thanks to all these wonderful moms who allowed me to use these images as part of this blog’s masthead! Beautiful images are the foundation of good design and I couldn’t have done this without them!
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