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Brands We Carry: Ellevill

Posted by the willow tree on

Woven Wraps is very exited to be starting a series of articles about the brands we carry – first up, Ellevill!  As the US distributor for Ellevill, we are thrilled to share more details about this wonderful company and their gorgeous line of unique wraps with you.   Keeping your baby close while still participating […]

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Babywearing Holiday Shopping!!

Posted by the willow tree on

Well it’s almost time! Have you finished your holiday shopping or are you still running around for last minute gifts? I know I always forget to get a few things, especially for stockings!  If you are still hunting for something special for the babywearer in your life, even if it’s you, I’ve found some great […]

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Babywearing FAQ

Posted by the willow tree on

In my 6 years of teaching babywearing a lot has changed. New carrier brands and styles have arrived adding much beauty and diversity to the choices in babywearing. What hasn’t changed much is the questions I am asked. People who are knew or just returning to babywearing have very similar questions. So, let’s answer some […]

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Babywearing and Breastfeeding

Posted by the willow tree on

Every family will choose the best way to feed their baby for their family. For some breastfeeding isn’t an option, for a variety of personal reasons. But most mamas start out desiring to breastfeed. Babywearing is such an amazing tool to help you be successful that it is even taught as something to recommend in lactation […]

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A Note on Fathering a Newborn

Posted by the willow tree on

To Dads: You watched her belly grow with anticipation and perhaps a twinge, or more than a twinge, of fear. You helped her eat well, and let her steal all the pillows so she could get some rest at night. You watched her eat silly things and struggle to tie her shoelaces, if she didn’t […]

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